For status updates on meetings and classes, please call the club or class contact person, or Ilissa Shannon at the HOA Office. Please provide your email address to the RiverWalk Office to receive updates via email.
Adult Coloring: If you would like to join some fellow RiverWalk residents for a fun and relaxing afternoon of coloring, please come to the Centanni Café on the 4th Thursday of every month at 12:30 am. Please bring your own supplies.
Adult Crafts/Coloring Club: The club meets every Tuesday, downstairs in the Town Center from 1:00 through 4:00 pm. Crafts can include: coloring, drawing, quilting, knitting, crochet, painting, etc. Please bring your own supplies.
Aqua Fitness: All classes are held at the Resort Pool, weather permitting. Join instructor Wendy Buckingham for our weekday classes (Monday through Friday) and instructor Kristine Kaelin on Sunday mornings. Classes begin at 10:30 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Classes begin at 10:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday. Evening classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm.
- Resident FOB Required.
- Please bring drinking water and, if you have them, your own equipment, such as: aqua barbells, sturdy pool noodles, and aqua shoes.
- This class uses the Remind app to announce last-minute cancelations and class updates
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Aqua Zumba: Join Aqua Zumba instructor Stacia every Saturday morning at the Resort Pool from 10:00 – 11:00 am.
- The instructor will collect $6.00 (cash only) from each class attendee before the start of each session
- Resident FOB Required
- All class attendees are required to sign an Aqua Zumba Attendance Sheet
- This class uses the Remind app to announce last-minute cancelations and class updates
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Bocce (Men’s): Contact Al Formichella at
561-697-9807 if interested in playing Bocce.
Bocce (Women’s): Women’s Bocce is held every Saturday at 9:00 am at the RiverWalk Bocce court. Women's Bocce will be taking a summer hiatus.
Book and Film Club: Prearranged books or films are discussed with volunteer moderators at meetings, most months held the second Thursday of each month beginning at 1:00 pm at the Town Center with a half-hour of social time, followed by an hour or longer of discussion time. Stay tuned for information about our summer meetings.
- For more information and to get on the email list to receive updates on meetings, contact: Fran Shay at 561-685-2354
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Bunco: It’s a dice game that is easy to learn and lots of fun! Bunco usually meets the third Wednesday at 7:00 pm and the fourth Friday at 1:00 PM downstairs in the Town Center.
Dance Club: Join us for line dancing fun with instructor Karen Massinello on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, at the Town Center downstairs. Come once, twice, or to all the sessions; no need to commit. Please bring $5 per person (cash only) to each session as a donation to the instructor.
Duplicate Bridge: Duplicate Bridge is back! The club meets at 7:00 pm promptly each Thursday evening downstairs in the Town Center unless there is a Board Meeting. All players are welcome. Partners are not required.
- For more information, contact: Ginger Taylor at 561-315-1530.
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Golf (Ladies League): Ladies golf meets every Thursday at 8:30 am.
- For more information, contact: Annette Caccamise at 732-539-7099
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Golf (Men’s League): The RiverWalk Golf Group is open to all residents. The group plays mornings twice a week and meets around 7:30 am, Mondays at
Village Golf Course and Thursdays at
Palm Beach National Golf Club. Play is usually followed by lunch (optional).
Grief and Loss: If someone is in need please contact LeAnna Collier at
561-684-6563 for a private discussion.
Italian/Americans and Friends Club (IAFC):
Mah Jongg: Open Mah Jongg sessions are held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday evening of each month from 6:30 – 9:30 pm, downstairs in the Town Center.
- Bring your card and a set if you have one, along with any snacks and beverages.
- For more information, contact: Michele Sclafani at or call 347-268-1755
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Pickleball: Join us at our FREE Open Play held on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 - 11:00 am, and on Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 - 10:00 am and from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. For court play policies, lessons, court and Round Robin registration, or if you have any questions, please refer to the
Sports Center website
- Proper tennis shoes made for clay courts must be worn and a waiver signed prior to stepping on the court
- Paddles and balls are available to borrow during play
- For more information, contact: Steve Bucar at 561-689-6465 or by email at
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Ping Pong: Ping Pong is held upstairs in the Town Center and meets every Monday evening from 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Tennis: Mixed Doubles are played at the Sports Center every Wednesday at 6:30 pm and every Sunday at 8:30 – 10:00 am. These FREE events are open to all levels. Also, join us for a “Hitting Frenzy” ($20/$17 with a series) for one hour every Saturday at 10:00 am. All levels are welcome.
- See the full offering of clinics and round robins online at Sports Center website
- Register online, or call Steve Bucar at 561-689-6465, or send an email to to join the fun
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Walking Group: If you are interested in having an exercise partner either for a walk, bike ride or gym partner, call Donna at
561-801-2583. We typically walk very early Tuesday - Friday then walk, bike or go to the gym around 4:30pm Monday - Thursday. Times vary, so it will be best to call so a meeting place and time can be arranged.
Yoga (In Person): Join certified yoga instructor Shannon Alviar (So Flo Shannon Yoga) on Mondays at 6:30 pm, Wednesdays at 11:30 am, and Fridays at 11:30 am for one-hour, in-person classes. Monday classes are held downstairs in the Town Center and all other classes are being held upstairs at the Town Center. These classes are free to RiverWalk residents, and they are suitable for all levels.
- Please bring mats and whatever props you need, water, and wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing
- This class uses the Remind app to announce last-minute cancelations and class updates.
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Yoga (Live on Zoom): For those who prefer practicing yoga at home, certified yoga instructor Denise Carraro holds one-hour gentle classes on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm, and active classes on Saturday mornings at 8:30 am.
- For information, please contact Fran Shay at 561-685-2354.
- This class uses the Remind app to announce last-minute cancelations and class updates.
- View all dates & times on our Calendar
Remind App/Website Information:
The instructors of the RiverWalk classes listed below use a smartphone/tablet app to communicate with their students, especially to notify them of class cancelations. Therefore, if you are a prospective or current student, please download the “
Remind: School Communication” app (look for the icon of a white cloud in a blue-sky background) on a smartphone and/or tablet, or visit on a computer. Register with Remind by providing your name, cellphone number for text notifications, and other requested information, and join the following classes by using the respective class codes below.
Class |
Name |
Class Code |
Aqua Fitness |
RiverWalk PB Aqua Fitness |
@rivaqua |
Aqua Zumba |
RW Aqua Zumba |
@rwaquaz |
Yoga (In Person) |
@rwpbyoga |
Yoga (Zoom)/Tues. Evening |
RiverWalk Candlelight Yoga |
@rvwcan |
Yoga (Zoom)/Sat. Morning |
RiverWalk Yoga |
@riverwalky |